Whether you are married or not and whether you feel like you have big problems or small ones, relationships between couples always have room to grow. Couples counseling can help.
In the course of daily interactions with your spouse or significant other, there are bound to be moments of confrontation and aggravation. So, in addition to working with individuals, The Village is also here to work with couples. Our counselors can help you and your partner enrich your relationship by setting boundaries and rules, giving you resources that will help deepen your connection, and offering problem-solving tools. No matter where you are in terms of commitment or satisfaction, couples counseling is useful for all relationships at any stage.
Common Questions about Couples Counseling
Who could benefit from couple and relationship counseling?
Pre-marital couples; long-term, committed couples; marital couples; and all individuals no matter race, origin, sexual identity, ethnic background, etc. can benefit from relationship counseling.
What happens during a typical session?
A typical session consists of a check-in on things like positives and challenges since the last session and discussion about homework if applicable. The check-in is followed by psychoeducation, discussion, various interventions, role-plays, etc.
What will be expected of me while we’re in couples counseling?
All clinicians are different, but for most, expectations center around transparency and mutual respect. This includes not withholding information, not keeping secrets, not engaging in an extra-marital affair while involved in relationship therapy, allowing each other the space to talk and process as needed, and no hostile/volatile behaviors.
When is couples and relationship counseling appropriate?
Relationship therapy can be appropriate at anytime no matter the stressors or circumstances as long as both individuals are invested.
Why would a couple start counseling?
Typically, communication is the number one presenting concern for the majority of couples. Other additional presenting concerns include: infidelity/affairs, pornography use, loss of love/affection, substance abuse, parenting issues, family conflicts/concerns, medical issues, mental health issues of spouse, and more.
Is it ever too early or too late for couples/relationship counseling?
It is always the right time to engage in services whether a couple is in distress or if they just need fresh ideas and/or tools.

How do you know if couples and relationship counseling is right for your situation?
- If you are feeling out of touch with one another
- If miscommunication and/or arguments have become more frequent
- If you feel complacent/stagnant
- If there is mistrust/distrust
- Preparing for marriage (Pre-marital Financial Counseling is also available in person at The Village in Fargo, online, or over the phone)
- Difficulty adjusting into new roles/transitions (parenthood, empty nesters, retirement, etc.)
No matter where people are at in terms of commitment or satisfaction, relationship therapy is always appropriate for any situation. There isn’t just one approach to therapy; the clinician assesses and meets the couple where they are at to identify strengths and challenges.
What benefits result because of couples and relationship counseling?
- Improved emotional connection
- Increased ability to manage conflict and engage in healthy forms of communication
- Increased trust and vulnerability
- Positive perspective of one another
- Friendship foundation
- Have personal and relationship needs be met
What can couples do to make the experience more successful?
Practice and apply skills discussed in therapy. Application is everything and that takes place outside of sessions.
Will my counselor take sides or tell me it’s all my fault?
A clinician should not reflect a bias toward any person. A clinician looks at the relationship as their client, not the two individuals. The focus is about getting the relationship where the couple desires it to be regardless of the presenting concerns.
Does insurance cover couples counseling? Can EAP sessions be used?
Although we can not guarantee insurance coverage, please give your local office a call to discuss payment options, which may include your Village EAP, another Employee Assistance Program, self-pay, or insurance.
How many sessions will couples counseling last?
This depends on the couples' effort in regular attendance and application of skills discussed in addition to presenting concerns/challenges. Every couple is different, therefore a universal timeline doesn’t exist.
Helpful Articles
- Healthy Boundaries Help Relationships
- Unsatisfied In Your Marriage? These 14 Tips Could Help
- If You're Going to Fight, Make Sure It's Fair
- More Relationship Blogs
Contact The Village Family Service Center to find a counselor who can work with you and your partner on the challenges you face.