
Busted: What happens after you get a DUI?

Keys and drink sitting on table next to handcuffs
You made a poor decision to drink and drive and got caught. Now what? If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), it can be a very scary and uncertain experience. After getting a DUI, you may have to appear in court. In most states there will be a loss of driving privileges for a certain amount of time. Some states offer a hardship license that allows you to drive to work or school during the time your license is revoked or suspended, but your driving privileges will be limited. In North Dakota, drivers will need to have an evaluation completed by a Licensed Addiction [...]

'A Better Version of Me'

Photo collage of Jenn Wright and her family
As though she were on autopilot, Jenn Wright drove to her favorite park, trying to find solace in nature. That day, the struggles were too great. Dark thoughts started to seep in. “I was so sad and lonely and felt like there was nobody who cared,” she says. Jenn called her mom, who told her she should see someone. Then Jenn called The Village Family Service Center. “When I first called The Village, I was a crying mess,” Jenn says. “I didn’t have any tools to cope with my anxiety and depression.” Jenn started therapy sessions with Kelsi, a Licensed Professional Counselor at The Village’s [...]