Mental Health

Warning Signs of Suicide

person sitting in dark room looking sad and contemplating
Suicide is never an easy topic to discuss, largely due to stigma, but it’s more important than ever that we have open and honest conversations when we’re concerned about the mental health of a loved one. While there is no single cause for suicide, it is a preventable death. We can help prevent someone dying by suicide through recognizing warning signs and risk factors and taking appropriate action. According to the CDC, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death overall in the United States in 2019, claiming the lives of more than 47,000 people. It was the second leading cause among [...]

3 Suicides, 18 Months

sad girl sitting on floor contemplating
1 out of 5 Americans suffer from behavioral health-related illnesses each year, resulting in strained relationships, lost wages, and even death. The consequences can be devastating, as one local family knows all too well. In the span of just 18 months, they lost three loved ones to suicide. Through in-home family therapy and school-based mental health services from The Village Family Service Center, Rachel* and her children gained the coping skills and tools they needed to start the healing process. Here is their story, in Rachel's own words: January 23, 2018, was a day that changed our family [...]

Xavier's Journey from Battleground to Playground

With the help of therapy Xavier overcame the symptoms of trauma
In his short life, Xavier* experienced so much trauma. His parents battled substance use disorders, which caused him and his siblings to be neglected. Child Protective Services became involved, and Xavier lived in several foster homes before moving in with his adoptive family at age 5. As a result of his early childhood experiences, Xavier was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). His body and mind were in constant fight, flight, or freeze mode. He thought adults could not be trusted to meet his needs. He had difficulty sleeping and would hide food to make sure he wouldn’t go [...]

Anxiety Can Be Contagious, Too

two people sitting back to back with a cloud of anxiety over their heads
You know the old saying "laughter is contagious." Laughter, happiness, joy; a lot of things fall into the category of being easy to spread. Unfortunately, bad things are contagious, too. Colds, illnesses, and even a bad mood. Your stress, frustrations, and anxiety can spread to those around you. Protect them by protecting yourself. How Anxiety Affects Us When we are stressed or anxious, it’s difficult for our brains to absorb any facts, much less decipher fact from fiction, and we go into survival mode. Intellectual information doesn’t register because we are running away from danger. When our [...]

6 Things To Do To Improve Your Mental Health This Summer

Person sitting on a dock overlooking a peaceful lake
After a long, harsh winter, we warmly welcome the summer months! This season provides us several opportunities to practice good mental health. Here are some tips to improve your mental health and make the most of the summer: Get outdoors Exposure to the sun is the most natural form of vitamin D. If we get too little of it, it can lead to symptoms of depression. Being outdoors decreases anxiety and increases the production of serotonin levels in our body, a neurotransmitter linked to the experience of pleasure. That means sunshine is good for our mental health! What are some activities you [...]

Support the Struggling: How You Can Help Others

Asking how someone is goes a long way when they're struggling
At some point, we all "get by with a little help from our friends." And at other times, we're the one supporting a friend in need. Having a strong social support system improves our mental health outcomes and our resiliency, or the ability to bounce back from stressful events. "While 1 in 5 people will experience a diagnosable mental health condition in their lives, 5 out of 5 people will go through a challenging time that affects their mental health," says Mental Health America. "There are simple things that every person can say or do to help the people in their life who are struggling to get [...]

Kids and Anxiety: Helping Them Cope

child with anxiety hugging mom
Fear. Worry. Anger or irritation. Insomnia. Anxiety can have many faces. Sometimes, it’s the face of your child. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issue of childhood and adolescence, the Child Mind Institute reports. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 9.4% of kids ages 3 to 17 have been diagnosed with anxiety, and reports show it’s on the rise. To answer some of the questions you might have about kids and anxiety, we've compiled answers to common questions about children experiencing symptoms of anxiety and how parents can help. FAQ: Kids and Anxiety [...]

From Hardships to Healing

Joshua Grondahl standing in a group therapy group room
Joshua Grondahl has had many losses in his life. Even at a young age he suffered from depression. He attempted suicide in sixth grade. The years 2015 to 2017 came many hardships. He lost his dad. His house burned down. He divorced. He felt the ultimate low and knew he had to do something before going down another dangerous path. Joshua participated in The Village’s Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), a program in which clients receive education and support, develop coping skills, and problem-solve life’s ongoing stress and challenges in a group setting. Joshua says The Village taught him that [...]

Brainspotting Therapy Explained

Brainspotting graphic depicting two silhouettes back to back, one with a brain outline and one with a fuzzy emotion cloud in their head
The body has an amazing ability to heal itself from trauma. This fairly new type of therapy uses a client's visual field to uncover unprocessed trauma, negative emotions, and pain. Identifying and utilizing “brainspots” can allow us to access deeper emotions and traumatic memories that we maybe didn’t even know we were hiding from ourselves. Digging those experiences out of our body’s memory can help us face them head on and process them the right way. To put it more simply, your brain can tell you how you’re feeling based on where you look. What is Brainspotting? Brainspotting, which was [...]

How EMDR Can Help Kids

EMDR works in children as well as adults to process trauma
When something bad happens to us, the whole body remembers it. Negative thoughts can get stuck in places where talk therapy just can’t reach. Kids might not be able to express traumatic or disturbing memories – “icky” or “mixed up” thoughts and feelings, as Grand Forks Village therapist Janet Amundson describes them. That’s one reason Janet loves a type of therapy called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR. EMDR is an evidence-based tool that helps clients replace negative beliefs with positive ones by alternately stimulating the two sides of the brain through sight, sound [...]