Uncertainty can make us feel stressed and vulnerable to the world. Our brain equates uncertainty and the unknown with danger, causing our stress reactions to kick in and anxiety levels to increase.
It's important to remember that even though we can't control everything around us, we can control ourselves and our own thoughts. Author Stephen Covey refers to the things we do have control over as our "Circle of Influence."
By focusing on the things we can influence in times of uncertainty, we can be solution-focused, make good choices, and practice good self-care. We also avoid a lot of frustration, negativity, and fear that comes from trying to manage things that are out of our control.
Here is a list of five things we do have control over:
1. Don't Take In Too Much Information
You can control how much social media you look at, and when and where you get news. Constantly watching the news and scrolling social media will just bring about more frustrations and fear. Remember to only get information from credible sources and don't take in too much during times of uncertainty.
2. Use The Uncertainty to Your Advantage
One thing that is certain during these times is the uncertainty. Lean into that and let yourself feel a little free. As strange as it may sound, not being in control of something can offer you some time to unwind if you let it. Control your feelings the best you can by trying to be okay with the uncertainty and lettings yourself relax.
3. Control Your Attitude
If you allow yourself to look at the situation negatively, then you are allowing fear and anxiety to shape the way you look at things. Try to find the positive in the situation, even if it’s through a feel-good story or video. Be grateful. Celebrate the successes in your life. Smile.
4. Find Fun Ways to Distract Yourself
Sometimes it's best to take a few moments away from all the uncertainty. Practice a hobby you already love doing, find something new to destress, or spend time with friends at a game night or nice dinner. If you need some ideas, you can find suggestions on Pinterest based on the things you already like. Keep yourself and your family busy by learning new ways to enjoy life.
5. Practice Kindness
You can show grace and understanding to the people around you going through the same uncertainty that you are. Not everyone is going to handle this situation the same way, and some might need a little extra kindness. This means that we will have to set aside our judgment and be supportive of the people in our lives while setting healthy boundaries. Bonus: spreading kindness to others will make you feel good, too!
Refocusing on the things you can influence will help change the lens you look through from helplessness and despair to possibility and options.